Man kills his wife and four of his children, then commits suicide in Yemen's Amran

A man committed suicide after killing his wife and four of his children in the district of Rayda in the province of Amran (northern Yemen), amidst a noticeable increase in the number of domestic violence crimes in Houthi-controlled areas.

Sources suggested that the difficult living conditions he was experiencing with his family, along with his inability to provide for his children, led him to the massacre.

The incident is the second of its kind to occur in Houthi-controlled areas in a week, where previously the citizen Majed Al-Hijra had killed his wife, his uncle, and his wife's father, and injured others, before taking his own life, in the district of Otma in Dhamar governorate.

In recent years, the level of domestic violence crimes has increased, especially in Houthi-controlled areas, amid rising poverty rates and deteriorating living conditions due to the war ignited by the Iran-backed Houthis.